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Curricula development &

Institutional Support

S4S has over a decade’s experience in creating curricula and working with Universities,  Colleges and governments to develop curricula and train the trainers, teachers, professors and mentors. Our work goes beyond creating courses. We also teach the training methods that are considered best practice globally. The key elements of entrepreneurship training include:

  1. A core curriculum centered  on Business Model Development and Analysis,

  2. Interactive teaching methods that are based on Socratic Dialogue,

  3. “Situated Learning” based curricula that are localized to the entrepreneur's context.

  4. An emphasis on building aspiration &  confidence, not merely competence.


S4S ran the largest ever program in the UK  to help Colleges and Universities develop the capacity  to promote entrepreneurship, educate entrepreneurs and train teachers, lecturers and professors to effectively teach core entrepreneurship skills. 


S4S developed and delivered the largest entrepreneurship training program globally in partnership with the Nigerian Governments and DFID. The program educated, mentored and invested in 1,200 startups and young companies for a year. Core to the program was a “train the trainer” model that created a nationwide network of Mentors and Monitors based on the S4S curricula. The curricula was localized for the Nigerian context and included local examples, case studies and materials.

S4S worked with the UK’s innovation agency, Innovate UK, to develop the first ever nationwide curricula for all innovation startups in the UK. S4S created a total of 12 courses including 8 hours of teaching material covering all aspects of core skills for startups and fast growing businesses.


On behalf of the UK government, S4S created a comprehensive online self-paced Course to teach business model development, based on S4S’s 10 Questions Method. The course, How To Start a 21st Century Business, includes 10 Sections, over 50 lectures and dozens of examples.


S4S has developed the most widely used Methodology for teaching core entrepreneurship skills, in particular business model development and analysis. The Method is called the 10 Questions and forms the core of the S4S curricula.  S4S has also developed its curriculum around the Socratic Method and teaches “how to teach” as well as “what to teach”. Examples and White Papers can be found below.

“Emerging market entrepreneurs…place more value on “business skills development” (education) when considering programs [as compared with developed market entrepreneurs]. When asked to rank the various benefits they hope to receive from programs, the only difference is that emerging market entrepreneurs ranks ‘business skills development’ significantly higher.

Accelerating Startups in

Emerging Markets

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Innovate UK

Technology Strategy Board

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The 10Q Method &

The Socratic teaching

White Paper

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S4S Nigeria

S4S Nigeria


How to start a 21st Century Business

21st Century Business

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Entrepreneurs & Education Programme

© S4S International Miami-London-Bogota

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