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The book

How to Start a Creative Business


Based on School for Startups 10 Questions tm Method, this book is an invaluable resource for any creative with a business idea. Written in plain English, without the dense text and technical jargon of other business books, and illustrated with visual cues to help the message stick, the practical advice is accessible to all. Real-life case studies are interspersed throughout from successful creative startups which expand upon the theory and bring it to life

The promise

In 10 chapters, this book asks

the fundamental questions any creative entrepreneur must answer. By following the questions from start to finish, and working through the hands-on activities, you will get the theory first and then apply that theory in a practical way to the real world and your own business. By the time you reach the last question, you will have the foundation of a very solid creative business.

How to Start a Creative Business is essential for anyone wanting to set up a business in the creative field. It explains in clear, easy-to-read steps how to do it and make a profit. It's nicely laid-out in chunks with lots of recaps to make sure you've really got it! Having run a creative business myself I really wish I had had this book before I started. I would certainly have made a lot more money than I did and had a lot less heartache. ...give yourself all the help you can manage - read it!
5.0 out of 5 stars: You really MUST read this book



The result

“It's clearly and engagedly laid out (really has been designed with the creative person in mind!) The advice is clear, makes sense and is inspiring. I've found it both challenging and encouraging. It's a little like having a business coach who combines tough love with cheerleading!“

5.0 out of 5 stars

Advice that actually helps!

Kate Heard


© S4S International Miami-London-Bogota

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